
Genome Edited Plants - Who Will be Able to Benefit?

The attempt to adapt the outdated EU directive on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms to the current state of scientific progress is proving controversial and protracted. What is at stake for society, plant breeders, farmers, and the food industry if new scientific findings and achievements are not applied in Europe because of outdated genetic engineering regulations? Is there really a risk to changing existing regulations?


Dr. Ludger Weß

Dr. Ludger Weß



Prof. Dr. Wolf B. Frommer

Prof. Dr. Wolf B. Frommer

Universität Düsseldorf

Healthy Crops - Genomeditierung: state-of-the-art und Nutzung für die Ernährungssicherheit in Asien und Afrika


Julia Dahm

Julia Dahm


Dr. Robert Hoffie

Dr. Robert Hoffie

IPK Gatersleben

Alexandra Molitorisova

Alexandra Molitorisova

Universität Bayreuth

Dr. Juliane Geike

Dr. Juliane Geike


PD Dr. Dorothea Kaufmann

PD Dr. Dorothea Kaufmann

Stadträtin Heidelberg