
Global Competition for the Best Location Policy in Europe

The German (biotech) industry is in a global competition with many large biotech nations. EU regulations, such as the IVDR, CT Regulation, Novel Food Regulation or the outdated Genetic Engineering Law inhibit innovative research and development in Europe. In addition, countries such as the USA, the largest biotech market in the world, offer excellent settlement conditions. How can the German biotech industry hold its own in global competition?


Dr. Claire Skentelbery

Dr. Claire Skentelbery



Martin Krauss

Martin Krauss

FGK Clinical Research

Dr. Klaus Pellengahr

Dr. Klaus Pellengahr

Corden BioChem

Dr. Kirsten Tief-Küry

Dr. Kirsten Tief-Küry

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dr. Anna C. Eichhorn

Dr. Anna C. Eichhorn
